Fire Training
Three Ways Fire Prevention Services supply fire training to anyone who requests it. The Regulatory Reform Order of 2005 tells you that staff must have training in the use of fire equipment and that companies must have competent people to carry out Fire Warden/Marshal duties. We tailor our package to suit your needs and still stay within the guidelines. We offer to meet in person or liaise via telephone or email.
The courses we offer does have an assessment which needs to be passed to gain certification.
We use modern, up-to-date presentation material along with a gas powered simulator which does not generate clouds of smoke and mess to annoy both you and your neighbours. You get a safe piece of equipment which can be stopped instantly. We do carry a burns kit, should a situation arise. Three Ways Fire Prevention Services offer fire lecturing and evacuation drill training service. We will endeavour to give your staff an enjoyable training session and rather than just talking, we involve the staff as much as possible. We even offer a simulated smoke drill. Please ask for further details.